Wednesday 16 February 2011


anyone who has taken basic first aid or ever injured themselves will know that rice isn't just a sidedish. it's a recipe for healing.


ski weekend away ground to a halt on saturday morning, in brilliant sunshine with crisp cold air - too fast down a steep part of the hill, a patch of ice and another skier in my path culminated in what will now be known as the 'fall of 2011.' i've been skiing for pretty much my entire life - and wasn't ski-rescued until this weekend - but rescued i was, and i'm now contending with an unsteady knee, as the fall of 2011 included dislocating my left knee. but these things happen when you insist on being into sports. as yet, we're not sure what's happened, maybe a torn ACL? potentially just a sprain - i'll know more after my 'ski-injury' specialist appointment tonight.

so instead of go-ing all weekend. we spent a lot of it enjoying 'rice.' something that's not easy for either of us. particularly the rest part. (for me at least!)

but resting was (is still) necessary. resting was pretty much enforced, seeing as i couldn't really do much more than hobble. but it did give us some great time to just lie about and chat. to watch box dvd sets of the crime show: white collar (so so good!). and time to rest. which maybe is what we needed anyway?

my theology of rest is shaky. i'm a do-er. i need to cultivate a spirit of be-ing. and so while this injury is sidelining me for probably the next couple of months - i'm hoping that god will use it to teach me some new things - maybe, particularly about rest. about taking time to slow down. about focussing on what god has done. and being contented with that.

 13  "Remember what Moses the servant of God commanded you: God, your God, gives you rest and he gives you this land. "  (Joshua 1:13, The Message)


  1. I USED to have accidents like these. I broke my femur once on a really fun snowboarding day. This past week, I cracked it again...slipping on water in my dining room. God has "forced" rest upon me so much in the past few years. Sometimes I close my eyes and let my memory wander back to more exciting days. Yet the subtle joy of these quieter days is so sweet...

  2. I know it’s Saturday – kind of late to read your “Walking With Him Wednesday” post - but I spent most of the week catching up to reading all of the multitude or Ann’s “Multitude Monday” – and still didn’t finish them all. I got to way over 100 of them though.

    And so I come to yours and it makes me pause – like your skiing issue made you pause. What a great way to phrase this, “my theology of rest is shaky.” I totally get it. And the spiritual “forced rest” we should take – that sometimes He makes us take. Brilliant!!

    I was truly blessed by this. Thank you.

    God be with you and yours
